A natural spectacle; an icon of the territory 

A unique natural scenery: the Balze del Valdarno have kept their charm intact for millions of years. Composed of sand, clay, pebbles and gravel, these natural reliefs are the result of debris layering up following the gradual drying up of the basin that covered the entire area. The result is a spectacular natural landscape that fascinates anyone who stops to look at it. Even Leonardo Da Vinci was left in awe, so much so that many believe that the rocky spiers and earthy waves typical of the Valdarno landscape were represented by the multifaceted Tuscan artist in some of his works: there are those who see the panorama of the Balze in the background behind the Madonna dei Fusi or the Mona Lisa.

Inserted in a protected natural area, there are a number of ways to get here meaning you get to see the Balze from multiple viewpoints.

How to reach the Balze
From Castelfranco di Sopra
Just before entering the village of Castelfranco di Sopra, turn onto a dirt road and, after a kilometre, continue in the Botriolo area. In this case, you get to view the Balze from below, surrounded by vineyards and green meadows. The circular route is marked by the CAI and is called the “path of the sulphur water”.

From the Setteponti road
If, on the other hand, you prefer to admire the panorama of the Balze from above, there is an excellent panoramic point in the village of Piantravigne.

From San Giovanni Valdarno to Terranuova Bracciolini
To experience the Balze “on the road”, take the country road that from the outskirts of San Giovanni Valdarno leads to the hamlet of Penna, in Terranuova Bracciolini.